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Simplicity. Family. Love. Multiplication.


Have you ever wondered if what most of Christianity is doing on Sunday morning is what Jesus actually prescribed for His Church? Is all of the production in these "services" what Jesus gave us in Scripture? Have you found yourself reminiscing about going to men or women's retreats and sitting around the fire when things were just "real"? You think back to those times and say to yourself, "I really wish we could do that again sometime soon..."


You know in your spirit that we were made for more than what typically occurs on most Sunday mornings.


Maybe you are the person who has never liked the thought of going to a "Church Building" due to the "standards" of having to dress or act a certain way to fit in with "Church folks"?

At Oikos Church (The OC), we ask you...


"Why not enjoy an intimate/real atmosphere every week?"


Something inside of you that knows there's just something "right" about that type of fellowship and "realness".


Following Jesus is an adventure.  Why not experience that reality with genuine/real family alongside you as they journey in the gospel as well?


You are valuable to the Body of Christ!


We are the family of God (Oikos) and the gathering of believers should be that genuine while holding to the sacredness of His presence.  We live life together, following Jesus where He leads and serving together for the gospel, wherever God has sovereignly placed us, through the good, the bad, and the ugly.  We are to be there for one another while reaching out and loving those around us, having them find "family" with us.  Weeping with those who weep, rejoicing with those who rejoice.


Jesus gave us a simple command, "Love God with all your mind, heart, soul, and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself."  Simple, but so full of depth to be explored and lived out in everyday life, through the gospel.



At "The OC", our heart is simply to live out the gospel and be constant, steady, and real in a world that is full of projections and distortions of reality.

Following Jesus.  Finding Family.

Fearlessly Loving Others.

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